• Let’s Talk About March 21st, 2024

    It is the morning of March 21st, 2024. A Thursday. The last work day in my work week before my ‘weekend’ that consists of Friday and Saturday. In the retail industry, this is pretty much the sweet spot for days off. Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest days of the week, and I get to […]

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  • Let’s Talk About Next Day Fails


    Oh dear. What the course of a few hours can bring. Yesterday (March 15, 2024) I was talking about hitting the city for a trip to Wreck Beach. My first of the year and the third March trip in 7 years. Well, as fate and inattentiveness would have it, That didn’t happen. It should have […]

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  • Let’s Talk About March 15th, 2024

    On this day of human construct time keeping, March the 15th, 2024 years after some supposed religious incident, I find myself once again seated nude in the blazing sunshine after an awfully long, dark, cold, dreary winter. The weather has finally changed for the better (at least for the time being, this IS March after […]

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  • Let’s Talk About Attraction to Bodies


    The word ‘Attraction’ has a few meanings, but for this small essay I’ll primarily be using the second definition in the Meriam-Webster Dictionary, which is: Now, this definition can be further split into 3 main sub-categories. Aesthetic attraction, Romantic Attraction and Sexual Attraction. These attraction types are separate types of attractions, but are not mutually […]

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  • let’s Talk About My January Loss of Trust


    Over the winter of 2023, I had begun a personal campaign to get myself active again and get myself into better shape, both mentally and physically. To that end, I started going back to a nudist community website I had been a part of since 2019. My goal was to share my journey in self-betterment […]

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  • Let’s Talk About Moral Panic


    Mo-ral-i-ty noun Take, for a moment, a look at the image above. Without really considering it, what does this image say to you? What are your immediate thoughts and feelings about it? Your answer, which no matter what it is, isn’t inherently wrong or right, will have been guided by your morality. Your personal set […]

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  • A New Beginning


    Greetings. If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve been sent here, have stumbled upon it, or have seen a link from some corner of the internet and became interested (or annoyed, or angered, or worried… many of the things I’ll be showing and saying could trigger any of these reactions and more.). The posts on […]

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