Hello folks. I know I’ve been extremely bad about keeping up this self-journal lately, but things in my life are still in a bit of a cyclone of uncertainty and feelings. I’m really struggling to maintain a positive outlook and set myself on a path of encouragement and growth. However, despite some setbacks, I am beginning to do just that.
On Monday, Feb 3, I began a course through a provincial government organisation called WorkBC that helps people like me work towards getting back into the work environment. It is now Thursday, and I have to say the first 3 days have been quite good, informative and encouraging. I’m actually looking quite forward to the things to come, including getting some certifications, learning resume and interview skills, and many other things that could be quite a help in building some confidence I need to go out there and narrow down and attack the avenues I’m beginning to feel I want in order to get work in the future that I’m going to be proud of.
As far as my nudism goes, well, it’s winter and it’s been a particularly unpleasant one for our area this year, so nudity is basically out, even at home. It’s too cold in my house for anything less dressed than a housecoat, and outside is RIGHT out. I pine for warmer days. I’m still not drawing, and I think it’ll take me being out in the sun for a few days for me to get back into that mindset. We’ll see.
That’s it from me for now. I have 10 minutes before the course starts for today. Have a good one, I hope that you have better weather than I, and if possible… Stay Naked.