Ah, the generic date title. I use these when my musings will be of a chaotic or rambling nature. Nothing really focused on, just connecting and killing time. I start my second week of “Jobs in Demand”, the course I’m taking that is now beginning its second week. It’s given me a reason to get out of bed and be prepared and I’m liking that, although I haven’t transferred that energy into other parts of my life yet. In fact, it might actually be causing me to withdraw some from regular things. Although weather has played a huge part in that as well. Last week we had a massive snow storm that pretty much shut down our area and I went into hermit mode. Once I’m in that, it takes a lot to get out of it.
As for other things, I’m desperately trying to disconnect from what’s happening in the country to the south of us, as thinking about it too much puts me into such a state of despair it’s almost inconceivable. I can’t even imagine what it must be like for good people that live there. It absolutely shatters my heart. What’s even worse is how much that mindset is taking over our entire planet right now, or attempting to. All because marginalized people asked people to be nicer. Period. This is the fallout. How. Dare. We.
It is having massive implications in the naturist world as well, as bad actors consistently infiltrate our spaces, social media, media and government are oppressing nudity on insane levels, and good people like myself and other huge voices in our communities are backing off, disappearing and saying ‘fuck it’. Mostly for our mental health, but also because it seems like an unwinnable war, let alone all the battles. I’m not ready to fully go though, not now, not ever. Even if my battle is just to maintain having personal time in the outdoors, somewhere, and taking solace in that.
The idea that we can recover from this insanity must stay alive. Somehow.
Is it May yet? Stay Naked.