Let’s Talk About March 15th, 2024


On this day of human construct time keeping, March the 15th, 2024 years after some supposed religious incident, I find myself once again seated nude in the blazing sunshine after an awfully long, dark, cold, dreary winter. The weather has finally changed for the better (at least for the time being, this IS March after all, so I doubt the bad weather is over for good) and I’m taking full advantage of it. For now.

Sadly, there is much I have to get done today, so sun sitting is relegated to a couple of hours this lovely morning. I sit, enjoy a coffee, and blog out a positive post for a change. I can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful that sunlight feels on bare skin. It’s like putting a rechargeable battery in the charger. What was once drained begins to power up. To heal. To regain. Not only is it the first real day of warmth we’ve had yet, but it’s a payday for me and it’s supposed to be even nicer tomorrow. What’s that you say? Payday? Really nice on another day off? What ARE you to do?

That’s simple. My first trek to Wreck Beach of course. I’ve had trips to Wreck in March in the past. Two to be exact, out of 7 years living on the coast. This will be my third March visit, and if the warmth is ANYthing like today it’s going to be a great trip. If the wind holds off. However, that is tomorrow. Today I spend doing things that should have been done over the week that I just didn’t have the energy to get around to. Also a trip to pick up drinks for tomorrow. Also a trip to see if someone wants to come with me.

But for now, I sit in this glorious life and mental health giving glow. It’s so warm I’m already actually sweating. Another coffee then, and wait for the sun to go where it doesn’t reach the area of the yard I’m able to sit secluded in, and then inside to clean, shave and prepare.

Bring on the sun.

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I agree, don’t show this again