Let’s Talk About a Return

Ah, Friday. For me, Fridays signal the start of 2 days off work. Two glorious days in which I have 48 hours to choose among about 758 hours worth of things I NEED to do or 13,805 hours worth of things I WANT to do, and try to prioritize those choices by physical, mental and financial health.

There are simply not enough hours in a month for me to get done what I need to get done when the vast majority of my time is forced to be used to make enough money to sustain me financially in a world that puts all of a person’s worth in what they can provide to others more well off than themselves. It’s a conundrum.

But I digress. Today is a day that I have chosen to shove most other things I could (or should) probably be focusing on, and instead devote it almost entirely to my art… such as it is. It is also a day to return to this blog. Also… such as it is.

I have been on hiatus, for many reasons. Not the least is TIME. My PC was also at a friend’s place to ostensibly get ‘fixed’, but while there it never did the bad things it needed to do in order for the persons that were looking at it to figure out what was wrong. It seemed that it decided to basically ‘fix’ itself. For now, anyway. So I have brought it home, and now here I find that I have some time to sit down and put words to screen once again.

So here are those words, but I’ll be brief, today. As I’ve said, I would like to dedicate today to my artwork, so that’s what I’ll be doing. The drawing above is the latest example of my lineart, a lovely sketch of a naturist mother and her baby, but joyous and free, and it encapsulated my feelings of myself on this lovely day off.

So hopefully we can look forward to some more frequent updates here on the Diaries. There is a lot to say. The world is not a pretty place right now, and I don’t stay quiet when I feel like things are going bad….

But that’s for another time. For today… back to drawing.

Welcome to The Nudist Diaries.

This site contains artistic depictions of non-sexualized nudity. By continuing to access this site you confirm that you are over 18.

I agree, don’t show this again